Electron Microscope



Delong Instruments Company is based in Brno, Czech Republic – the world capital of electron microscopy. Delong Instruments has more than 25 years of experience in the field of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The company is also developing advanced electron-optical instruments, providing engineering design services and manufacturing precision parts and vacuum technology. Its main objective is to make electron microscopes more accessible and practical. That is why Delong Instruments puts extra emphasis on keeping microscopes innovative, compact, and easy to install, maintain and operate. Delong Instruments has developed the world’s first table-top TEM and specializes in low electron energy, which helps their microscopes to achieve high contrast of light elements and low radiation load, thus extending the range of observation methods. 

Allows for imaging of both stained and unstained biologic materials. The uniquely designed permanent magnet lenses generate no
heat and require no cooling. Fully integrated compact design by not demand for anti-vibration isolation or any cooling systems.



Benchtop TEM

The LVEM5 is the uniquely designed benchtop low voltage electron microscope that is small enough to fit anywhere nanoscale imaging is needed. A remarkable imaging tool equipped with TEM, SEM and STEM modes and designed to produce detailed and meaningful image results with unmatched contrast of biologic and soft material samples. The LVEM5 is a benefit to any lab working, researching or studying nano materials.

The LVEM5 is easy to learn, operate and maintain, and has a price that is just a fraction of the cost of a conventional transmission electron microscope. It is a versatile and capable instrument well-suited for any classroom or research lab. The LVEM5 brings nanoscale to your benchtop.

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Compact TEM

The LVEM 25E is the All in One compact transmission electron microscope. It is versatile in that it combines 3 imaging modes with 2 analytical modes into one self-contained instrument. This advanced design combined with an impressive resolving power makes the LVEM 25E an exceptional partner for all your nanoscale imaging requirements.

Five imaging modes in one instrument

  • Equipped with TEM, STEM, SEM, EDS and ED modes
  • Easily switch between imaging modes via intuitive software
  • Bright and dark field measurements in both TEM and STEM modes
  • SEM mode (BSE) for surface measurements
  • Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental analysis
  • Electron Diffraction (ED) for understanding crystal structure

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The LVEM microscopes are very unique in the world of electron microscopes. Although the electron microscope has gone through decades of improvement and change - and continues to do so – no single development has changed the face of electron microscopy more than the introduction of the first LVEM.

The LVEM microscopes provide high contrast by operating at much lower voltages than conventional electron microscopes. Results are acquired from samples in their inherent, natural state, yet still allow for staining as an option. Although there are instances where staining is desirable for diagnostic purposes, the necessity to stain samples in order to generate adequate detailed contrast cannot be viewed as advantageous.

The first LVEM, the LVEM5, operates at 5kV and features a benchtop footprint that is more than 90% smaller than its closest cousin. And the fact that the LVEM5 has TEM, SEM, STEM, Electron Diffraction and digital imaging makes it a technology to be taken seriously. Click here for a chart comparing the LVEM5 to its classical counterparts.

The LVEM25 builds on the LVEM5 platform and is our top of the line offering. It is the only low voltage transmission electron microscope designed to operate at 25kV. This is well below typical accelerating voltage of traditional EM (80-200kV), resulting in increased electron scattering which in turn leads to greater contrast in the TEM image. The LVEM25 can operate at a range of voltage in TEM and STEM modes, and can work with conventionally prepared thin sectioned materials.

The application areas for LVEM can be broken down into two main categories, Life Science and Material Science. In a simplified perspective, the life sciences benefit from the enhanced contrast the LVEM systems provide, while the material sciences benefit greatly from the improved throughput that a compact and high resolution LVEM microscope offers. Of course there is now great number of crossovers between these two main categories, such as biomaterials, which benefits from both aspects of the systems.








Product Highlight

LVEM 25E Electron Microscope

The LVEM 25E is the All in One compact transmission electron microscope. It is versatile in that it combines 3 imaging modes with 2 analytical modes into one self-contained instrument. This advanced design combined with an impressive resolving power makes the LVEM 25E an exceptional partner for all your nanoscale imaging requirements.

Equipped with five imaging and analysis modes, The LVEM 25E will push research to the next level. Super-fast sample exchange and enhanced automation make the LVEM 25E a practical and easy-to-use tool for routine imaging applications. The LVEM 25E provides well-contrasted and highly detailed images from samples prepared with standard preparation protocols and provides the option to obtain the same level of detail with reduced staining.

The LVEM 25E provides the possibility to not only measure internal and external structures, but also to analyze the chemical composition of the sample, all in a single device. The advanced software assists the user by automatically setting column alignments and aperture positions.

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